What is the Status of a Block that Has been Voted on by More than Two-thirds of Validators?

The status of a block that has been voted on by more than two-thirds of validators depends on the type of consensus mechanism used by the blockchain network. For example, in a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain, such as Ethereum 2.0, a block that has received more than two-thirds of the validators' votes is considered finalized and cannot be reverted. However, in a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) blockchain, such as xDai, a block that has received more than two-thirds of the validators' votes is considered confirmed, but it can still be challenged by other validators within a certain time frame. Therefore, the status of a block after validation may vary depending on the specific rules and incentives of the blockchain network.

What is the Status of a Block that Has been Voted on by More than Two-thirds of Validators?

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